This webpage offers a summary description of all our state criminal history searches. If you are interested in the summary descriptions of our state eviction history searches, please visit our eviction history search webpage. To view the summary descriptions for both criminal and eviction history searches, please visit our state public records.

Alabama Corrections History Search Description: The Alabama corrections history records search covers criminal records of currently incarcerated inmates. The Alabama corrections database contains approximately twenty five thousand records.

Alaska Criminal History Search Description: The Alaska criminal history records search covers criminal records from the superior courts within four judicial districts. The Alaska criminal records contain most current and historical felony convictions and misdemeanor convictions and some traffic violations.

Arizona Criminal History Search Description: The Arizona criminal history records search covers the Pima Consolidated Justice and Superior Courts and the Maricopa Justice, Superior, and Gilbert Municipal Courts. The Arizona criminal records may contain felony and misdemeanor convictions.
Arizona Corrections History Search Description: The Arizona corrections history records search covers current and historical felony and gross misdemeanor convictions on inmates and probationers who are or have been under the supervision of a state correctional facility.
Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts Search Description: This Arizona court record history search covers felony records, misdemeanor records, and some traffic records from 153 courts throughout Arizona.

Arkansas Criminal History Search Description: The Arkansas criminal history records search covers criminal circuit court records from Arkansas circuit courts. The Arkansas criminal records contain misdemeanor, felony, and violation offenses.
Arkansas Corrections History Search Description: The Arkansas corrections history records search covers historical and current felony conviction records on inmates and probationers that are or have been under the supervision of a Arkansas correctional facility.

California Criminal History Search (Multi-County) Description: The California criminal history records search covers criminal convictions and some traffic records from 26 of 58 California counties.
California Corrections History Search Description: The California corrections history records search contains a list of California Department of Correction and Rehabilitation CDCR felons currently serving a sentence or on parole and a list of adult inmates currently in a CDCR institution.

Colorado Criminal History Search Description: The Colorado criminal history records search covers felony records and misdemeanor records from all Colorado counties (including Denver County).
Colorado Corrections History Search Description: The Colorado corrections history search covers inmates that are under the supervision of a state correctional facility for felony and misdemeanor convictions.

Connecticut Criminal History Search Description: The Connecticut criminal history records search covers thirteen Judicial Districts. Part A courts handle the most serious cases and the Part B courts handle the less serious criminal offenses and motor vehicle cases, also known as Geographical Area (G.A.) courts. The State’s Attorney directs the Connecticut Attorney Supervisory Assistant who oversees the criminal prosecutions in each G.A. court.
Connecticut Corrections History Search Description: The Connecticut corrections history records search covers criminal records for persons who are currently serving time under the supervision of the Connecticut Department of Corrections DOC or who have escaped or absconded.

Delaware County Court History Search Description: The Delaware county criminal history records search covers the Common Pleas courts and Superior courts for felony and misdemeanor cases. The Delaware county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments.

Florida Criminal History Search Description: The Florida criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from 35 Florida counties.
Florida Corrections History Search Description: The Florida corrections history records search covers historical felony conviction records and current felony conviction records on inmates and probationers.

Georgia Criminal History Search Description: The Georgia criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from 14 Georgia counties.
Georgia Corrections History Search Description: The Georgia corrections history records search covers individuals who have been under the supervision of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC).
Georgia Parole Board Background Records Search: This criminal background search covers records for individuals currently under supervision of the Georgia Parole Board.

Guam County Court History Search Description: The Guam county criminal history records search covers the entire Guam territory for misdemeanor, felony and traffic cases. The Guam county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments.

Hawaii Criminal History Search Description: The Hawaii court history record search covers misdemeanor offenses and felony offenses from the Circuit Court and Family Court.

Idaho Criminal History Search Description: The Idaho criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from the Supreme Court of Idaho.
Idaho Corrections History Search Description: The Idaho corrections history records search covers historical felony conviction records and current felony conviction records of discharged inmates.

Illinois Criminal History Search Description: The Illinois criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony convictions from the county and state courts from 88 of 102 Illinois counties.
Illinois Corrections History Search Description: The Illinois corrections history records search covers historical and current conviction records.
Illinois Child Murderer and Violent Offender Registry Data Description: The Illinois Child Murderer and Violent Offender Registry contains records of violent offenders against youth who have been convicted of certain offenses and/or crimes against children and must register as violent offenders against youth.
Illinois Methamphetamine Offender Registry Data Description: The Methamphetamine Offender Registry Search returns records on offenders who are required to register with the Illinois Methamphetamine Offender Registry.

Indiana Criminal History Search Description: The Indiana criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from the county and state courts from 69 of 92 Indiana counties and the data varies from court to court.
Indiana Corrections History Search Description: The Indiana corrections history records search covers historical and current felony conviction records only.

Iowa Criminal History Search Description: The Iowa criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony cases collected from the Iowa Court Information System in the counties they maintain.
Iowa Corrections History Search Description: The Iowa corrections history records search covers criminal records on parolees and probationers who are or have been under the supervision of an Iowa correctional facility and/or community correctional facility. The Iowa corrections database contains felony, gross misdemeanor, and some misdemeanor convictions. It does not contain persons incarcerated.

Kansas Corrections History Search Description: The Kansas corrections history records search covers gross misdemeanor conviction records and felony records.
Kansas Offender Registry Data Description: The Kansas offender registry database contains offenders who are required to register with the Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) as violent or drug offenders. Adults convicted of a crime set forth in KSA 22-4902 and any person who has been convicted federally/militarily or in another state of a crime that requires registration are required to register to be included.
Data from the following Kansas County Courts are included: Johnson County

Kentucky Corrections History Search Description: The Kentucky corrections history records search covers records of convicts of gross misdemeanor and felony offenses currently or recently under the supervision of the Kentucky Department of Corrections.

Louisiana Criminal History Search Description: The Louisiana criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from the Orleans Parish District Court.
Louisiana Corrections History Search Description: The Louisiana corrections history records search covers conviction records from the Louisiana Department of Corrections (DOC) Parole Board.

Maine Corrections History Search Description: The Maine corrections history records search covers historical and current gross misdemeanor and felony conviction records. The Maine corrections records search results cover information submitted to the courts from each county.

Maryland Criminal History Search Description: The Maryland criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony data from the Maryland District Courts Administrator of Courts.
Maryland Corrections History Search Description: The Maryland corrections history records search covers conviction records on individuals incarcerated with the Maryland Department of Corrections (DOC).

Massachusetts County Court History Search Description: The Massachusetts county criminal history records search covers the District County Seat courts and Superior courts for felony and misdemeanor cases. The Massachusetts county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments.

Michigan Criminal History Search Description: The Michigan criminal history records search covers felony and misdemeanor convictions from 12 Michigan county courts, circuit courts, and district courts.
Michigan Corrections History Search Description: The Michigan corrections history records search covers misdemeanor and felony convictions on offenders who have been sentenced. The records are maintained by the Michigan Department of Corrections Offender Tracking Information System (OTIS).

Minnesota Criminal History Search Description: The Minnesota criminal history records search covers criminal records from the 10 Minnesota Judicial District Courts.
Minnesota Corrections History Search Description: The Minnesota corrections history records search covers misdemeanor and felony criminal records, custody arrest records, and prison prints (Prison prints are offenders convicted and sentenced to probation or prison and/or transferred to another state).
Minnesota Department of Public Safety Description: The Minnesota Department of Public Safety criminal history search covers felony offenses and gross misdemeanor offenses of those sentenced to serve jail time, probation, parole, or carry a suspended sentence.

Mississippi Corrections History Search Description: The Mississippi corrections history records search covers historical and current conviction records from the Mississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC).
Mississippi Parole Board Hisotry Records Description: The Mississippi Parole Board history records search covers records of parolees provided by the Mississippi Parole Board.
Data from the following Mississippi County Courts are included: Harrison County and Hinds County

Missouri Criminal History Search Description: The Missouri criminal history records search covers felony offenses and misdemeanor pending and conviction cases from all 45 of the Missouri Judicial Circuit Courts.
Missouri Corrections History Search Description: The Missouri corrections history records search covers current and historical felony and misdemeanor information for inmates, probationers and parolees. The record history is limited to the offender’s latest offense registered with Missouri’s department of corrections.

Montana Corrections History Search Description: The Montana corrections history records search covers historical and current felony and gross misdemeanor conviction records.

Nebraska Corrections History Search Description: The Nebraska corrections history records search covers historical and current felony and gross misdemeanor conviction records.

Nevada Criminal History Search Description: The Nevada criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and traffic records from the Clark County District and Justice Courts and misdemeanor, infraction, and traffic records from the Henderson Municipal Court.

New Hampshire Corrections History Search Description: The New Hampshire corrections history records search covers the New Hampshire Department of Corrections (DOC) inmate roster of offenders currently residing in a New Hampshire correctional institution as well as inmates currently incarcerated in the New Hampshire DOC.

New Jersey Criminal History Search Description: The New Jersey criminal history records search covers historical and current felony and misdemeanor court records. The New Jersey court records are indictable offenses pursuant to NJ law.
New Jersey Corrections History Search Description: The New Jersey corrections history records search covers records from the New Jersey Department of Corrections (NJ DOC).

New Mexico Criminal History Search Description: The New Mexico criminal history records search covers criminal convictions from the Bernalillo Albuquerque Metropolitan Court.
New Mexico Corrections History Search Description: The New Mexico corrections history records search covers historical and current felony and misdemeanor conviction records on inmates.

New York Corrections History Search Description: The New York corrections history records search covers historical felony conviction records only.

North Carolina Criminal History Search Description: The North Carolina criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony convictions from all North Carolina counties. Demographic data from the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts (NCAOC) is also included.
North Carolina Corrections History Search Description: The North Carolina corrections history records search covers historical and current gross misdemeanor and felony conviction records.

North Dakota Criminal History Search Description: The North Dakota criminal history records search covers criminal, civil, and traffic cases from the N.D. District Courts and some limited municipal courts.
North Dakota Corrections History Search Description: The North Dakota corrections history records search covers current list of inmates incarcerated in the North Dakota Department of Corrections (DOCR) system.

Ohio Criminal History Search Description: The Ohio criminal history records search covers probation, misdemeanor court records, felony court records, and some traffic records from 87 of the 88 Ohio counties.
Ohio Corrections History Search Description: The Ohio corrections history records search covers conviction records for individuals currently incarcerated in a state Department of Corrections (DOC) facility.
Ohio Habitual Offender Registry Search Description: The Ohio Habitual Offender Registry Search covers individuals who are currently required to register with the Ohio Habitual OVI/OMVI Offender Registry. OVI is Operating A Vehicle Impaired and OMVI is Operating A Motor Vehicle Impaired. Includes a database of people convicted at least five times of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs during the past 20 years.

Oklahoma Criminal History Search Description: The Oklahoma criminal history records search historical and current misdemeanor and felony court records from all seventy-seven counties. The Oklahoma court records contain dismissed and deferred cases.
Oklahoma Corrections History Search Description: The Oklahoma corrections history records search covers individuals currently or previously incarcerated with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections (OKDOC).
Oklahoma Violent Offender Registry Description: The Oklahoma Violent Offender Registry search may return records on individuals registered as violent offenders with the Oklahoma Violent Crime Offender Registry.
Data from the following Oklahoma County Courts are included: Tulsa County

Oregon Criminal History Search Description: The Oregon criminal history records search court records of the Oregon Judicial Information Network (OJIN) misdemeanor and felony dispositions. OJIN court record statewide requests are searched individually for current information from the Oregon Judicial System.
Oregon Corrections History Search Description: The Oregon corrections history records search covers historical and current gross misdemeanor and felony conviction records.

Pennsylvania Criminal History Search Description: The Pennsylvania criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony filings from the Common Pleas Courts. The Pennsylvania criminal history records search also covers records from the Pennsylvania Administration of Courts (PAAOC)
Pennsylvania Corrections History Search Description: The Pennsylvania corrections history records search covers convicted offenders currently under the supervision of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC) or residing in a Pennsylvania correctional institution.
Pennsylvania Philadelphia Municipal Courts Search Description: The Philadelphia court record background search covers misdemeanor filings, felony filings, and traffic records from the Philadelphia Municipal Court System.

Puerto Rico County Court History Search Description: The Puerto Rico county criminal history records search covers the specified municipality requested for felony, misdemeanor and traffic cases. The Puerto Rico county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments.

Rhode Island Corrections History Search Description: The Rhode Island corrections history records search covers individuals who are under the supervision of the Rhode Island Department of Corrections (RIDOC).

South Carolina Criminal History Search Description: The South Carolina criminal history records search covers criminal records from South Carolina county courts, circuit courts, some traffic courts, and other court types from all 46 South Carolina Counties.
South Carolina Corrections History Search Description: The South Carolina corrections history records search covers information on inmates currently sentenced to and incarcerated in the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC). This S.C. Department of Corrections search may return the parolees, prison inmates, probationers, misdemeanor, felony and traffic offenders.
South Carolina Department of Probation and Parole Description: The South Carolina Department of Probation and Parole Court History search covers felony and misdemeanor offenses on individuals who are under the supervision of the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services (SC DPPPS).

South Dakota Corrections History Search Description: The South Dakota corrections history records search covers criminal convictions for persons whom have committed offenses and where sentenced to a South Dakota detention facility.

Tennessee Criminal History Search Description: The Tennessee criminal history records search covers felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions, and some traffic offenses from the Tennessee Criminal and Circuit Courts.
Tennessee Corrections History Search Description: The Tennessee corrections history records search covers current and historical felony and misdemeanor conviction records.
Tennessee Drug Offender Registry History Search Description: The Tennessee meth offender history search covers criminal records from the Tennessee Drug Offender Registry (previously Meth Offender Registry).

Texas Criminal History Search Description: The Texas criminal history records search covers criminal convictions and some traffic records from 66 of 254 Texas counties.
Texas Corrections History Search Description: The Texas corrections history records search covers parole and conviction records on individuals incarcerated with the Texas Department of Corrections (Texas DOC).
Texas Department of Public Safety Search Description: The Texas Department of Public Safety search covers state-level misdemeanors and felony convictions.

Utah Criminal History Search Description: The Utah criminal history records search covers misdemeanor and felony cases filed in Utah Justice Courts as well as adjudicated guilty court records from all Utah district courts.
Utah Corrections History Search Description: The Utah corrections history records search covers current and historical felony, gross misdemeanor, and some Class A and B misdemeanor records.

Vermont Corrections History Search Description: The Vermont corrections history records search covers covers individuals who are, or recently have been, incarcerated under the auspices of The Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC).

Virgin Islands County Court History Search Description: The Virgin Islands county criminal history records search covers misdemeanor records, traffic cases, and felony records. The Virgin Islands county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments. The following three counties are available: St. Croix Island, St. John Island, and St. Thomas Island. Additional documentation may be required such as release forms or consent forms.

Virginia Criminal History Search Description: The Virginia criminal history records search covers felony and misdemeanor criminal records from the Virginia District Courts and Fairfax County Circuit Court. Also included are both open and disposed criminal cases from the Virginia Circuit Courts.

Washington Criminal History Search Description: The Washington criminal history records search covers current and historical misdemeanor and felony records from all Washington superior courts.
Washington Corrections History Search Description: The Washington corrections history records search covers inmates under the supervision of the Washington Department of Corrections (WADOC).
Washington Courts of Limited Jurisdiction Record Search Description: The Washington courts of limited jurisdiction record background search covers court records from the Washington district courts.

Washington DC Criminal History Search Description: The Washington DC criminal history records search covers criminal records from the DC Superior Court.

West Virginia Criminal History Search Description: The West Virginia criminal history records search covers felony and misdemeanor conviction records from the West Virginia Circuit Courts.
West Virginia Corrections History Search Description: The West Virginia corrections history records search covers conviction records from the West Virginia Department of Corrections (WVDOC).

Wisconsin Criminal History Search Description: The Wisconsin criminal history records search covers felony, misdemeanor, and traffic case details from the Wisconsin Administrator of Courts.
Wisconsin Corrections History Search Description: The Wisconsin corrections history records search covers public record information of Wisconsin convicted offenders who were sentenced to incarceration or supervision with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC).

Wyoming County Court History Search Description: The Wyoming county criminal history records search covers the Circuit courts and District courts for felony and misdemeanor cases. The Wyoming county court records search covers the past seven years and will return convictions and/or deferred judgments.